Saturday, September 29, 2018

Trump's booming economy will cost us dearly.

Our economy is surging largely due to Trump’s policies but those trumpeting this success need to keep four things in mind.

First, while the average US house-hold income rose for the for the third consecutive year – in 2017 it was $61, 372 – about as high as it was in 2007, the last year before the Great Recession.  But ‘median’ household statistics do not reflect the “realities of American life”.  The typical household’s net worth today remains about 20% lower it was in early 2007.
Second, Obama’s contribution to preventing another Great Depression laid the foundation for any future growth which Trump’s current growth is built on.   Most economists now agree that the near total collapse in 2008 was driven largely by GOP economic priorities.  Some of those priorities have been revived by Trump and the GOP led congress with virtually no concern for the future beyond the midterm elections.  Such economic growth is ultimately unsustainable, especially given our government’s habitually dysfunctional reactionary federal budgeting process.   All policy makers lack the courage to do what’s needed in terms of appropriating investments for preventing costly problems cost.  Even Trump administration’s own statistics predict catastrophic economic costs due to global warming alone.  Yet his denial of human induced climate change persists and is supported by most GOP policy makers and their civic enablers.

Third, conservatives condemned Obama for his contribution to our nation’s debt and deficit, yet most remain gutless in condemning Trump and his policies for further accelerating both.  

Last, such ‘growth’ in our consumption driven economy is neither environmentally or civilly sustainable.   A majority of ‘We the people’ see little or no raise in our living standards and most are not optimistic about the future.  I’m predicting the highest midterm election turnout in US history in both numbers and percentages.  And more people are becoming aware that Mother nature ALWAYS has the LAST vote.  The "Laws of Nature and Nature's God" can always veto any prosperity, security, and freedom.   If you doubt that consider the human, political, social and economic costs of pandemics, natural or man-made disasters amplified by human folly, and the unstoppable proliferation of WMD to groups or individuals carrying legitimate grievances with the status quo -- with those in power largely ignoring a multitude of persistent global injustices.  These are threats that no level of military spending or wall building will protects us from. 

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