Thursday, October 25, 2018

Trust in God? Nothing else will be left.

Today (10-25-18) I attended a presentation at the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction at Ft. McNair in DC. After undergoing a rigorous two week long security clearance procedure just to get on the military base where the Center is housed and none of the information given was classified. 
The presentation was excellent in packaging a lot of information into the topic “Social Media and National Security” I learned nothing new.  And none of it was encouraging. 

Here’s s brief summary of what I knew going in and what was greatly reinforced during the talk.  (surprisingly the expert and clearly knowledgeable key speaker never mentioned the influence and evolution of AI or Deep fakes).

Trust is the foundation of any working relationship.  National security, government, and human security requires many.
Unfortunately Americans and other populations are learning rapidly not to trust government, if they ever did.  Many Americans have also been rapidly losing trust in the media, science and even religion.
Distrust in government was their to begin with.  Even before Trump was elected social media (Face-book, Instagram, Twitter…) has been amplifying distrust exponentially.

With our minds capable of believing ANYTHING, there was no optimism offered that things are going to get better anytime soon.

With the evolution of Cyber capacity merging with AI and creating “deep fakes” we can only anticipate trust in anything we see, hear or read probably being destroyed.  And in the not too distant future the last shred of trust we have in any thing humans make, especially government, will be gone.   What then?

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