Tuesday, December 22, 2020

21 Best things in 2020?


Below is yet another Letter to the Editor that the Washington Post won't likely print.  Submitted the day the printed it.  No word from them yet. 

Dear Editor,

Your lead editorial’s list of “20 good things…in 2020” (Jan. 20, 2020) attempting to make lemonade out of lemons missed one.  At least 10 were directly linked to Covid19.   But the 'good' thing for those of us who have been warning about just such an inevitable mass casualty biosecurity crisis are now been relieved of that burden.  We no-longer have to waste our time warning and annoying others about the insanity of ignoring uncontested scientific studies, history, and our nation’s mental illness of cognitive dissonance.

The Post’s front-page lead on the same day properly assigned blame to Trump for our “Dark Winter”.  But ‘we the people’, who persistently elect (and too often re-elect) mostly lawyers instead of scientists, deserve the blame for a clearly dysfunctional government.  A government based on the flawed concept of ‘independence’ which exists nowhere in the known universe.  Building walls and powerful militaries cannot protect our nation’s freedoms, security, or prosperity with a Constitution based on such a dysfunctional foundation.  

Abraham Lincoln once wrote that our Constitution is a “frame of Silver” around our “Apple of Gold”.  Until we understand his words to mean that humanities freedoms and security are more important than US riches, we can expect more, and even greater biosecurity threats.  And if Covid19 does this, it will be the best of “good things” in 2020.


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