Saturday, February 13, 2021

Cancel the Cancel Culture!


Conservatives have created yet another phrase to smash liberals.  It’s a classic trick of using the very tactic one is trying to defeat.  Most sane people are now aware of the obvious and lethal dangers of ‘free speech’ considering the events on Jan 6, 2021.   But liberals fail to understand the value of allowing any potentially dangerous speech to be expressed.  And the greater risks associated with efforts trying to prohibit it.

Any rational thinker clearly understands that the violence, destruction, crimes, and murder on Jan 6th would NOT have happened had former President Trump accepted reality.  Instead, he persisted in pushing the “big lie”.  That he’d won the election by “a landslide”.  Then stressed it repeatedly up to, during, and even after the violent storming of the capital.  His unyielding assertion that massive ballot irregularities were the result of a criminal conspiracy, and his re-election was derailed by an evil Democratic party - are still believed by him and others involved in the insurrection.   Attackers were led to believe they needed to stop the traitorous and faithless actions that Trump insisted threatened the existence of their country.  

Ironically, this is essentially the same claim that liberals often use in waging their cancel campaign on the President’s free speech.  Luckily, most liberals are not armed to the teeth or committed to killing perceived traitors.

The Senate trial was important, but also a waste of time.  There was always zero chance the GOP would convict Trump of incitement, regardless of any convincing evidence, predictable consequences, or pleas for courage to do the right thing for country instead of party.  If they did vote to convict, they would have admitted to being accomplices guilty of enabling him and the insurrection.  The courage deficit of 43 Senators will mark them historically as cooperating conspirators in their President’s lethal dereliction of duty (and this may include the hundreds of thousands of American deaths resulting from his Administration’s failure to follow 90% of the GAO’s recommendations in addressing the pandemic).  These Senators culpability in refusing to admit that the fundamental driver of those who broke into the Capital (to do exactly what their President had been demanding for weeks – to stop the vote) was the direct consequence of the Big Lie!

If that isn’t proof of a conservative ‘cancel culture’ movement (a movement against ‘truth’) perhaps further evidence won’t either.  But here it is.

Conservative’s insistence on prohibiting flag burning as a legitimate means of protesting our government’s malfeasance.  Or canceling football players right to kneel in protest of murderous police brutality.

Canceling people’s equal access to basic health care, a livable wage, affordable housing, or justice in our legal system.

Canceling the biological desires of children who feel they were born with the wrong genitalia…  thus canceling the genetic fact that DNA is not as pure as they believe - or their God had planned.

Canceling voting rights whenever they can Block the Vote: Voter Suppression in 2020 (  According to Sierra Club research “There were over 165 voter suppression laws in 33 states on the table at last count!”  Then there is gerrymandering of Congressional Districts to maintain the power of their own cancel culture (Maryland democrats finally learned how to do it.)

Canceling the rights of women or transgender Americans to serve in the US military - or the marriage of two Americans who truly and faithfully love each other…but are the same sex.

Canceling environmental programs because they might hurt the economy, or cut liberal good Samaritans programs or shaming criminal US military of foreign policy efforts that displaces non-Americans from their own nation - or cancels the families of those in fear (or great need) who come to our nation for an honest job.

Canceling humanitarian efforts to address the loss of life and property resulting from increasing extreme weather conditions -- or in need of vaccines to protect them and their loved ones from this pandemic.

Canceling every women’s right to choose the termination of an unwanted pregnancy…with understandable reasons on both sides…but only condemned as murder by one side.  Then insisting that this murder violates their God’s plan while ignoring our nation’s death penalty.

Or, canceling the fact that our nation represents both the freedom of religion – and freedom from it.  And then accuse those who don’t believe the US is a Christian nation as un-American or unpatriotic.

Conservatives are genius at framing issues to boost their self-image.  Liberal suck at reframing such nonsense with a fundamental patriotic narrative.  A narrative inherent in our Declaration of Independence framed within “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”, not Christianity.  While Christianity is the world’s largest major religion it consists of tens of thousands of unique variations.  With each sect believing theirs is the only true representation of God, Jesus Christ, history, and science.  And occasionally going to war over their differences.

Hypocracy is rife on all sides.

FACT:  There will always be consequences to what people say or don’t say, believe or don’t believe, do or don’t do.  Example: Any policy makers who continue to support the free speech of former President Donald Trump who persistently repeated ‘the big lie’ and said nothing while it fomented violent lethal action to stop the certification of a valid election - will rightfully be submitted to ridicule, social rejection, economic consequences, and histories punishment.  And rightfully so, until they recant their irresponsible freedom.  

And, we will all be at the effect of consequences if we continue to accept the inherent flaws recognized by faithful members of every political party in our government and Constitution.  And unless we urgently transform it in fundamental ways those consequences will be increasingly catastrophic.  January 6, like the pandemic, was a wake-up call for all Americans.

Silencing speech or unpopular actions won’t prevent it.  Only ‘liberty and justice for all’ will. It is what we have all pledged before our flag, dozens if not thousands of times.

Both liberals and conservatives have effectively canceled the culture now needed by “We the People”.   A culture that holds the Declaration of Independence as the “Apple of Gold” as President Abraham Lincoln framed it.  Instead of worshiping our Constitution, which he considered its ‘frame of “Silver. 

What needs to be canceled is any sides efforts to outlaw the profound inalienable human rights and freedom expressed in our Declaration of Independence.  Rights that if canceled will only create increasing and inevitable divisions.  Divisions that will inevitably lead to uncontrollable violence and the use of increasingly powerful, available, affordable, ubiquitous, and anonymous technologies.  Multiple use technologies with the increasing capacity to murder and mass murder opponents, genetically target specific groups, or cause unprecedented local, national, and global chaos.  Chaos, where even suspected opponents are targeted without any concern for collateral damage.

We all must make the choice.  Are we going to live under the ‘rule of law’?  (Enforceable laws created by ‘we the people, enforced equally on all, and protective of universal inalienable human rights globally).   Or be perpetually fearful of the lethal and even genocidal law of force that now rules the planet due to our worship of national sovereignty and capitalism- instead of maximizing the global sustainability of human freedom and security for all.

There’s a saying…if you keep heading the direct you are going…you are doing to end up where you are heading.  Right now?  We are heading toward Armageddon.  Fast and furious.

If you are not part of the solution.  You are part of the problem.


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