Monday, October 11, 2021

Religion's Purpose: On Columbus/Indiginous People's Day


Like economics, politics, science, and technology-- religion is a tool.


A multi-use tool.   Our mind (also a tool) can use each of these tools for saving lives, improving health, reducing suffering, or bringing life as we know it to an end on this unique planet.


Religious beliefs, rituals, and practices have the power to leverage the human mind to control the body in undertaking the noblest of actions - or committing the most horrific atrocities. It is we who decide what our minds will believe.  Choose wisely. Not just on what religion, ethnicity, or culture you were born into.   Heritage is important. But it should not be more important than the sustainable survival and thriving of humankind. 


There are an estimated 4,300 religions in the world with new ones being invented each year.  The seven most popular religions represent about 75% of the world’s people.  Christianity alone has an estimated 40,000 variations.  

Each religion has its own variations of beliefs, rituals, and practices.  But the popular religions are each based on a single call to action.  We know this as ‘the Golden Rule” – ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.

This maxim is found in most religions and cultures for a reason.  It has a sound biological and moral underpinning of empathy, compassion, honesty, kindness, generosity, and trust.  It is linked to justice. 

Thus, justice, the Golden Rule, and the Jesus story of the Good Samaritan all represent a self-evident truth.  A fundamental principle essential for sustainably securing the “Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”

In summary, the primary purpose of religion is to encourage us to be more virtuous.  We don’t need religion or even mediation to do that.  But it can help!  Unfortunately, in today’s world people too often believe that their beliefs are the truth.   A truth they are easily willing to sacrifice their lives for, or the lives of others who believe differently.  It is within this shallow and stubborn mindset that our own greatest and most immediate threat has been created.   It’s not climate change!  It is what our minds have created with science and technology in a world lacking justice.  Both nations, groups, and individuals now have an unprecedented capacity for mass murder.  Combined with economic beliefs that are driven by selfishness that has perpetuated global poverty and continues to trash our environmental infrastructure while ignoring our vital yet crumbling national physical infrastructures that Americans all depend on.

Even before the creation of the atom bomb Albert Einstein wrote “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” Albert Einstein, 1941

Next 4th of July read the Declaration of Independence and deeply consider the two law sets (the Laws of Nature and Nature's God) that led to the phrase “all men are created equal”.  If you think “men” only mean ‘males’ remember who birthed and protected, you when your survival was most dependent on a female’s breast and loving care. And that males are all missing a fourth of the chromosome that mostly determines one’s sexual attributes.  Not always.  But mostly.  We all possess fundamental God-given rights, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – however, we define happiness.

And don’t forget that our founding fathers believed most in the value of virtue (mentioned 6000 times in more than 120,000 documents they exchanged between themselves and others).  More than freedom!  Back then the word virtue was understood as an “essential element of public life”.  It implied good men “putting the common good before one’s own interests.”  Historian Joyce Appleby asserted that virtue was the ‘lynchpin’ of public life – that is, the fastener that held together the structure.”   Religion may be the greatest human path to virtue.  But it is not the only one.

I’ll assert that nothing destroys the respect that many people have for religion…than those who do not practice the Golden Rule.  And most threats humankind faces are exacerbated by that.


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