Thursday, February 3, 2022

Updating Joe Rogen’s experience. And ours!

Joe’s experience provides the self-evident truth regarding the consequences of freedom.  He is (and should be) allowed the freedom to have anyone on is a program to facilitate civil dialogue on controversial, even preposterously false issues.  He and anyone who does this even with the best of intentions need to know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that doing so is an inalienable human right we all have.  And we should also know that we will never be free of the consequences.   And some will be lethal.

Social media companies will attempt to repress the expression of ideas when it results in principled users stopping their use, thus hurting company owners' bottom line.  Yet, this is the most powerful form of democracy ‘we the people’ actually have.  Voting with our dollars daily.  This is infinitely more powerful than using a single ballot once every 2, 4, or 6 years.

The downside?  These dollar votes will be just as ineffective at yielding our collective intended outcome of ‘liberty and justice for all”.  Something most of us have pledged before our flag hundreds of times.  Maximizing our “freedom and security” which Thomas Paine’s 1776 Common Sense pamphlet then claimed was the only legitimate reason for government, will require more.  Far more in terms of ensuring that our laws and our Constitution are based on the real world and not just popular support.

Fact is, each of us is irreversibly connected and interdependent on and in the real world.   Our minds are deluded in believing otherwise.

First, no one can fully grasp the irreversibility of one’s global interdependence we all share regarding our freedoms, security, and prosperity.  Everything we believe and then act on now leads to countless consequences on our own body and everybody in the world.  Everything we do has consequences.  And our ignorance of reality most often results in harmful consequences to ourselves and ultimately others.

Even before Covid19, our nation’s sick-care system (18% of our GDP) was breaking our nation’s economic back.  The trillions we continue to demand for funding our so-called ‘health care' system are simply unsustainable and thus a threat to our economic security, connected to our national security.    

Few citizens take the preventive measures that nearly everyone is capable of to prevent this endless budget-busting spending.   Before this pandemic, the largest cause of death in our interdependent nation was heart attacks.  Cancer was close behind.  Now Covid19 related deaths may surpass both.  Yes. It was a China virus.  But it really doesn’t matter if it came from a lab or nature.  It’s a self-evident fact that more variants and other pandemics will come from multiple sources regardless of what we believe.  

Yet governments are only now considering serious efforts to prepare for what we know is coming.  Unfortunately, few governments are acting on the wiser choice of investments in preventing them.   

Fact:  Prevention of most infectious disease and chronic health problems (and other threats to our health like suicide, gun deaths, stabbings, multidrug-resistant pathogens, car accidents...) can be affordably preventable.   The one-word definition of health is prevention.  But we continue to bankrupt our nation with a sick care system responding to preventable problems.  But we call it “Health Care.”

Second, given the human mind's capacity to believe ANYTHING, and then not even do the things we know we should, coming to any democratic agreement on what will be done using our tax dollars, military, or intelligence agencies will simply not happen. 

Three Einstein quotes are appropriate here.  “There are two things that are infinite.  The universe and human stupidity.  But I have some doubts about the universe.’  

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation, and a foundation for inner security."  

“There is only one road to true human greatness: the road through suffering..”

So plan on seeing a lot more preventable suffering.  It will only accelerate until we engineer a government system that codifies the wisdom of prevention - that profoundly functional unamerican word.   

Because our minds believe so convincingly that we are independent, our voices swear an oath to protect a system of government based on that very delusion.  A delusion that leads to reactionary government policies, research and development in drugs, cybers security, and weapon systems - that will break us economically.  Yet they still can’t protect our freedom, security, prosperity, or privacy as we will continue to refuse to accept the universal truth.   We all live on and depend on, a planet of irreversible interdependence.

We are highly unlikely to transform our current system because we are so easily distracted from what’s vitally important.   We can’t keep in our minds the growing list of national security threats we all face (the vipers at our heals) like climate change, more pandemics, bioterrorism, EMP events, supervolcanoes, asteroids, loss of our antibiotic arsenal, species extinction, AI, war, genocide... while swatting at bees (Rogan’s experience, critical race theory, voting rights, electoral college, border walls, riots, the insurrection, crime rates, confederate statues, Supreme Court picks, inflation, abortion, rebranding of the Redskins...).

The acceleration of chaos nipping at our heels is largely due to a lack of global justice.  Combine this with the global proliferation of multi-use technologies capable of unprecedented mass murder with virtually no means of effective global control without invasive and pervasive force –it is easy to predict things are not going to end well.

It is possible to sustainably protect our freedoms and security if ‘we the people’ with power globally exhibited sufficient virtue to others lacking power, and to everything around us that we need - instead of depending on our government's inability to protect it all with its dysfunctional system and structures.  All based on the illusion of independence.

If we are serious about maximizing the freedoms and security for generations to come, then at the very least we need to mobilize the funding to comprehensively achieve the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable before the year 2030 goal.  Humanity knows what to do.  It’s called the Golden Rule.  There is enough money without increasing taxes or even cutting existing budgets if we can convince those in power to tap the tens of trillions of dollars stashed in offshore accounts.  A piggy bank recently valued to be about 10% of the global GDP.   With sufficient political will it is possible to freeze and then seize a significant portion of this ‘anonymous’ massive wealth and devote it to global health.   Most of it was acquired and stashed away by kleptocrats, oligarchs, crime cartels, violent extremists groups, and other filthy rich folk avoiding taxes in ways that governments previously allowed.   Most of it is linked to the corruption that we should all want to be eliminated from our political systems.   But it won’t happen without ‘we the people’ coming together instead of swatting at bees. 

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