Thursday, June 8, 2023

Public service vs Party servitude


Dear Editor,

Senator Rick Scott states the obvious stating “Washington is broken” (June 8, 2023 Washington Times).  But proposed a “Public Service Reform Act” misses the root cause of our government’s failings.  The fact that both parties have prioritized their own voters’ values rather than passing laws that could actually achieve the seven intentions stated in our Constitution’s Preamble.   They have turned ‘public service’ into ‘party service’ and created the most dysfunctional government since our Civil War.   Getting elected and re-elected is the highest priority for officials in both parties.  And this happens with money and marketing wit but not wisdom.

Wisdom would be voting for principled laws that honor ‘the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God’ that are mentioned in the most profound political document in human history that sparked the creation of our Nation.  This profound set of laws in the first paragraph of our Declaration of Independence preceded the “Truths to be Self-Evident.    Achieving our Constitution’s intentions would require our policy makers from both parties actually uniting together to amend our Constitution focused on self-evident truths instead of the flawed principles they often have in mind. 

They should consider the wise words that the author of Common Sense, Thomas Paine said "We have it in our power to begin the world over again."  And the opportunity to take this path is rapidly closing.


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