Saturday, November 18, 2023

Political Borders violate the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.


Dear Editor,

Tom Harmon and Meadow Bryan list the miles of US coastline, land borders and airports, but they underestimate the real-world forces driving illegal entries into our great nation (May 31, 2023).  And they ignore the fundamental flaws of internally enforcing our nation's "immigration policies".  

First, it violates "the Laws of Nature and Nature's God" - the very foundation of civilization according to the 'inalienable rights' expressed clearly in the document that our nation was founded on - the Declaration of Independence.    President Lincoln wrote that it is our "Apple of Gold" and our Constitution, that US public servants and soldiers swears an oath to protect, is its "Frame of Silver".    

Second, Harmon and Bryan didn't consider the inevitable consequences of enforcing strict interior policies.  It will come with significant economic consequences and costs, while exacerbating political divisions with increasingly intrusive enforcement methods compromising individual privacy. 

The associated economic costs will further cripple our economy, as have other purely reactionary policies on terrorism, extreme weather conditions, America first foreign policy, and our foreign military entanglements.  

Cost effective immigration control requires urgently addressing the global push factors that drive individuals out of their homelands and toward our great nation.  Haiti's failed state is in an increasingly violent chaos now because of the flow of smuggled US guns and our failed policies in the past. Our nation's internal demand for drugs, cheap oil, or other low cost and environmentally costly consumer products have always fed the growing corrupt, brutality, and dysfunctional governments to our south.     

Our wisest investments would be reducing those push factors by urgently working to achieve the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals before 2030.  Combined interior enforcement with prioritizing prevention of push factors would best safeguard our freedoms, security, and sustainable prosperity while upholding our flag pledge of "liberty and Justice for All'. 


(not published in newspaper)

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