Tuesday, December 26, 2023

God Bless America? or all people and nature.


Every Christmas every American should be reminded that Jesus was not an American.  But he and other spiritual leaders did provide our nation with the most profound reasoning for every nation’s existence. To ensure the protection of human life and the environment. This holy intention for every religion can be found in the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence.  Unfortunately, what most patriotic Americans think and feel about Christmas is a result of what we have learned from well-intentioned patriotic propaganda.  From both political parties.

 I’m guessing such ‘American’ patriotic pride has been the result of our nation’s wars with others.  Starting with our gaining freedom from the King of England.  Unfortunately, that only turned out to be for us rich white guys with the creation of the US Constitution.  Even after a Civil War forced that great error - putting states right above human rights- our shallow ‘national patriotism still exists.  And in both the north and the southern states, and not always in the same way.  But our worship of the US Constitutional still infects our minds as a proud ‘truth’.  It exists in the MAGA crowd, and even those who’s heart swells with the phrase ‘God bless America’ – without saying ‘To hell with the rest of the world’.

 President Donald Trump and those who voted for him did NOT take our nation in a Godly direction.  I have no doubt that many sincerely believed they did.  And still do.  I will give Trump credit for doing one profoundly wise thing (remembering that even a broken clock is right twice a day).  And that thing was not his leadership in demanded that scientists rapidly develop a Covid vaccine.  They would have done that for any President.   Trump deserves great credit for listening to whomever insisted that he create a new federal agency (CISA, the Cyber & Infrastructure Security Agency) and the director that remains there still.  Oct. 29, 2021, that Director, Jen Easterly said, “Everything is connected, everything is interdependent, so everything is vulnerable.... And that’s why this has to be more than whole of government, a more than whole of nation [effort]. It really has to be a global effort....”

 That profound truth is difficult for most Americans to even grasp!  And most still don’t see its relevance to protecting nearly every aspect of our lives every day into our future, and our children’s future.   

 Someone once said, ‘that a lie, said once, is a lie.   But a lie repeated a 1000 times becomes the truth.’  There is truth to that saying. But it’s not an objective truth.  It’s only a political, economic, or religious truth (note the three types of truth that Neil Deas Tyson offered). 

It was the Truth’s that we hold to be self-evident that reflect the fundamental principles we must abide to sustain us, our nation, and the rest of the world (including the health of nature that supports all life on this glorious planet).  The science of climate change is not exact.  But it’s far more objective that the opinions of those who hold political, economic, or varying religious truths as self-evident. 

Scientists can get things horrifically wrong.  As a biology student at Colorado State University in the mid-70s, I was taught that world hunger was a result of overpopulation. And that overpopulation was a threat to our species.  It was logical to believe. It made sense - and I went on to teach that to others.  Until 1979 when I learned it wasn’t true.  I’m sure my professor’s believed it was.  They didn’t lie.  But I felt hugely betrayed. And what I learned from that is to question everything.  Including whatever assumption science might present.  But I still trust science’s findings, which are infinitely more reliable than political, religious, or economic truths.

And I don’t believe we have a Christian nation no matter how many people believe it.  Truth is not a function of popular vote.  Just because a majority wants it...doesn’t mean it’s right, needed, healthy, or sustainable.

Real American patriotism would lead to a new “Interdependent” political party.  It would consist of citizens who are now political party homeless.  Those who believe that all people are created equal and endowed by nature/God. with fundamental rights to survive and thrive.  They would pledge “Liberty and justice for all” and mean it!  Because they know that ‘all’ can’t have liberty absent global justice.  They would know that freedom requires a virtuous people who voluntarily follow the Golden Rule and protect the environment (God’s creation).  

Unfortunately, our “American” ignorance or arrogance keeps us from understanding these fundamental truths.  And we believe our democracy and the next election will make things better. 

Voting for anyone who is running for office only encourages them.  Spend your time educating those who are already in the office.    It’s clear to everyone already there now that democracy doesn’t work for the average guy of any party.  Functional policy makers need to prioritize everyone doing well. Not just US citizens.  And that isn’t going to happen without wisdom and systemic change.

Today on C-Span’s Washinton Journal, David Pepper. Author of a new book “Saving Democracy:  A users guide for every American” told a truth when he said, “Democracy is a constant fight”. ‘Not just an event that happens every federal election with short term thinking’.  Or a battlefield every 2 to 4 years to win a few swing states. It must be a much broader battle. Another truth he spoke...we must “see the problem clearly.”  But he doesn’t.

He goes off the rail believing that any current US government can actually achieve any of the seven intentions mentioned in our Constitution’s preamble.

 He speaks wisely urging us consider our individual civic “footprint” of influence in our life.  Think about all we do and depend on for nearly everything in our home and society.  From utilities to schools, to churches, volunteer groups, garden clubs...   Our participation in each of these makes each of us an influential entity.  It is your sovereign right and even duty to use it.  Find others who you can speak to.  Discuss what’s most important to you and your family.  Look for common ground, organize them, and if possible, convince them that their citizenship means far more than just voting.  

 But democracy is NOT what we should be fighting for.  I don’t want Trump to be President.  Or Joe Biden.  Or anyone who doesn’t desire ‘justice for all’, ‘protecting basic human rights’. and the environment we all depend on.   I would favor a dictator whose priority was these three things.  If the majority doesn’t favor these, they get what they deserve.   If you haven’t noticed that is what “we the people” have.  A dysfunctional government.   Democracy is only important in that it allows people to speak and worship freely.  They can have their say. 

But what we really need is the global “Rule of Law” and have that clearly defined.  That is an ideal with the potential to sustainably maximize humanity's freedoms and security for generations.  To do this it must have three essential elements. First, the laws must be made and enforced by a democratic process. But that’s never enough.  Second, the laws must be applied equally to all people regardless of sex, wealth, skin color, religion, nationality, ethnicity…). And last, the only purpose of any law is the protection of human rights (see Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and our environment (funding the SDGs).  These are essential to sustaining the health and prosperity of future generations for thousands of years.

It will take more than hope, votes, prayers, and a very strong feeling about Jesus, or being an American to make that happen.



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