Friday, May 10, 2024

Biology 101: a

Biology 101:  The study of life and every basic life form.  All life forms on earth are protein structures determined by a DNA or RNA blueprint.  Environmental conditions are the primary determinate if any life form will survive and thrive.  Humans have a unique biological advantage due to the evolution of our brain’s capacity to solve problems.  This problem-solving capacity emerged and increased as we migrated into different environments.  That problem solving superpower finally enabled us to change our environment by building increasingly complex structures and systems to maintain our thriving or we wouldn’t be here.  Over the last three to five thousand years our minds have created concepts like religion, politics, economics, and the sciences that enabled human groups to expand far beyond nature’s normal limits even empowering us to exist for short times in space and on the moon.  But then the mind went rogue with its tremendous physical power.  It started believing that physical strength was power and forgot that nature always gets the last vote.  And nature’s evolutionary democratic system will continue to determine humanity’s fate until we find a means of


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