Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Newt Gingrich and young people

Newt Gingrich made valid points in his opinion piece “Key 'lessons in liberty'” July 5, 2024.  But it should be a ‘self-evident’ truth why young people are disgruntled with our nation and why many believe their lives have “little or no meaning.”  First, is our nation’s profound hypocrisy between what it remains today and the universal principles in our Declaration of Independence that inspired the American revolution.  Then engineered the US Constitution legalizing slavery that led to a civil war killing more Americans than all the wars Americans have fought in since then combined.  And our Constitution still puts the protection of basic human rights below the protection of states' rights and the rights of nations to do whatever they like to whomever they like, especially if they have nuclear weapons.   

Reagan was right "freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. But the founders agreed that virtue was the key to keeping it.   Our selfish culture is now anything but virtuous - with a leading presidential candidate with none.   It’s understandable youth feel powerless to change any of this with our increasingly dysfunctional congress.  And no chance of amending the Constitution to codify "the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God'.  The very essence of what is needed to sustainably protect our natural environment and every human's God given rights. 

Most youth understand the basis of human biology that all people are nearly identical genetically.  And we are all birthed with certain God given rights.  Unfortunately, too many adult mind's chose to attack any variety of identities (sexual, religious, national, or political) that their mind judges to be undeserving of rights or freedom.  And those same adults then fail to keep their flag pledge of "Liberty and justice for All".  A pledge that could best assist humanity and nature from perishing in another world war.

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