Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Technology won't save us...without wisdom.

Dear Editor,
Sputnik’s effect on US national security history will not repeat itself.  Ultimately, the world is no safer today because we won the space race and winning the AI or Quantum Mechanics race will not ensure any nation or individual lasting security.
We are running out of time and money thinking that security is a function of technology.  AI and Quantum mechanics will only add to uncertainty of a secure future for every nation and even our species. 
Every technology ever created has been weaponized and globalized.  Biotechnology, cybertechnology, nuclear, and now drone technology have only delivered us a new normal of increased vulnerability and insecurity in every aspect of our lives (war, health, economics, terrorism, communications, energy, environment, crime…).
What we need is a quantum leap in wisdom and governance.  Governing systems and structures that effectively codify the fundamental moral principle of the Golden Rule that are championed in the written word within every major religion and in the first two paragraphs of our Declaration of Independence.   Unfortunately, we humans rarely follow these profound ideals in our local or global actions. 
If we are not destroyed by our own doing eventually we may learn that ‘Liberty and Justice for all’ is the only reliable pathway to sustainably maximining human freedom and security on our increasingly interdependent planet.  A planet that is now increasingly divided by selfish, nationalistic, ideological, cult, and cultural beliefs…where the search for truth has largely been abandoned.
The leader of the most powerful nation in the world tells an average of 6.5 lies every day since he was elected.  And the pace is accelerating.  It went from 4.9 falsehoods each day in his first 100 days to nine a day in the past two months.  What ever happened to the Truths that we hold to be self-evident?
Our government has never really codified them.  And most Americans think our inalienable rights only belong to American citizens.  And then can’t imagine why the world is pissed off at us enough to want to undermine our democracy.  
Instead of Congress investing already limited government resources in the 2019 budget attempting to seek the illusion of security by increasing military spending and building walls perhaps they should invest their time contemplating transformational changes to both the US and UN systems of governance that continues to put the protection of national sovereignty above protecting the human rights of all people and the health of the environment which sustains us all.
Only the truth can sustainably ensure our freedom and our security.  Any other belief system (religious or political) that ignore fundamental truths will cost us dearly.   Inevitably, it doesn’t really matter what we think.  It matters what we do.   And if our actions are inconsistent with fundamental truths what we do will only exacerbate the chaos and contentions that is already escalating around the world.

If people really understood the range of national and individual security threats that we all face there would be only one priority worthy of our attention and resources.  That would be meeting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ASAP.   They represent the only comprehensive plan available to bringing liberty and justice for all to our troubled world. 

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