Monday, December 27, 2021

The individual sovereignty vs communal life?

George Will, one of my favorite pundits, has a way with words, phrases, and perspectives that is always informative and enlightening. His latest “The Common Enemy of the left and the right” posted the day after Christmas, may reflect a different perspective than he intended. 

Mr. Will referred to Michael “Oakesbott’s formulation” 60 years ago as “Modernity’s greatest achievement” and “the prerequisite for its subsequent achievements ... the invention of the individual.”  In light of Covid and today’s modern threats like Climate Change, the concept of “individual” is lethal.  Oakesbott believed this trend emerged in the 14th and 15th centuries and gave rise to “a very high degree of human individuality”, leading to “person’s accustomed to making choices for themselves”.  

Before then, Will states, “Persons knew themselves only as members of a family, a group, a church, a village or as the occupant of a tenancy.” Will believes this was “The invention of the individual” and “the idea of private – a zone of personal sovereignty independent of communal arrangements.”  These led to “the American Revolution.” That a “Government exists to protect the individual’s right to the pursuit of happiness as the individual defines it, not the pursuit of the good life as government defines it.” Will then justifies that “Government must be powerful enough to protect” the individual’s “security of person and property – but not powerful enough to threaten individuality.” 

From a biological perspective...assuming we are all still biological in nature, the origin and evolution of individualism started much earlier.  Primates likely began to see themselves as individuals seeing their reflections in the water thus gaining some level of consciousness of their separateness and self-identity.   Hence, primates began seeing differences within their tribe and recognizing greater differences in individuals outside of it.   Any extremely individualistic behavior then would have died without passing on their genes.   It was much safer in the short run to stay within one’s tribe.  But every species biological quest is to survive.  And to do that, genetic diversity is the key.   Perpetuating diversity, in the long run, is most important in a forever-changing environment and an accelerating diversity of species.  Thus, venturing outside our territory or tribe is hardwired into our DNA.  And, in the long run enhancing genetic diversity is the greatest strength of all higher life forms.  (Note to all white supremacists...get over your tribe and lack of individuality).  Diversity is vital to warding off every higher life form’s greatest threat – microorganisms. 

The human mind’s invention of words and concepts that pundits like George Will love and use so much. like “individualism”, “freedom”, and “independence” are simple mental constructs.  Inventions that violate “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”.   These 3 words specifically threaten every political division within the US and all those beyond our species' natural and human-drawn borders.  

And, pathogens simply don’t care about your individuality, tribe, or view of human history over the last 2000 years.  All they want is your warm body and the freedom you love that assists them in infecting all those you believe you are independent from.   

Fundamental principle.  Things change.  Maybe we, and our governments should change to reflect this reality.   We should start with drafting a new Constitution that reflects those fundamental principles so clearly stated over 200 years ago in our Declaration of Independence.  

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