Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Hopelessness a source. Hunger a lost cause.

"Hope, in reality, is the worse of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."  Friedrich Nietzsche 

Human life appears to have lost its value to humanity at large.  Perhaps all life has.   Our very meaning of human existence appears abandoned.  Humanity’s inhumane response to the butchery in Ukraine and the inevitable consequences of that accelerating insanity will spread to Ethiopia’s 150 million souls currently on the edge of starvation.  Then billions more will suffer as high food prices rise and spread hunger, malnutrition, and related infectious diseases around this abundant planet.  

This is just a shortlist of spirit-numbing proof that stands in stunning contrast to those of us in the US distraught by higher gas prices -- as our home planet slowly cooks.  Most people functionally drone on - largely indifferent or grossly ignorant of the inevitable further consequences to come that will diminish their children’s future.  Everyone’s bloodline will inevitably suffer from more preventable deaths due to extreme weather events, wars, genocides, pandemics, poverty, and hunger - as current US rates of obesity, suicide, addiction, mass shootings, homelessness, infections, and loneliness continue to rise. 

OMFG!  We appear to be unworthy of this precious planet God hath bequeathed us.  How did we decide not to abide by “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”?  This profound set of laws that mama nature and our heavenly father offered.   Oh yes!  She/He gave us freedom.   Then assumed we would develop the wisdom to be responsible and virtuous in using it.    We haven’t.   We chose comfort, ease, selfishness, looking good, and feeling good instead.   And now our species is likely to be aborted due to a simple unintended consequence of our nervous system’s evolution.   Our brain acquired a ‘mind’ within it.  A mind with profound powers of creativity and problem-solving.  But lacking the foresight to use it for our species' survival.    

Instead, the mind took a dead-end turn away from its original purpose of solving problems.  It started to identify as a person.  And then devolved into becoming the master of the body and spirit.   Now the mind primarily uses both its creativity and identity to defend itself and unsustainable concepts like ‘peace through strength’, ‘market forces will solve the problem’, and other political, religious, and economic concepts that will only lead our lives on earth deeper into chaos.    Our problem-solving mind would have to be delusional to believe that things are going to get better without a massive shift in humanity’s thinking and behavior.

Einstein observed this mental pathology when he defined “nationalism” as “the measles of humanity”.    “We the People” of the United States and the UN validate this in both our Constitution and the UN Charter.  In both, we have cemented into these institutions our own flawed laws that put the protection of national sovereignty (International Law) and corporate profits (unregulated capitalism) superior to the protection of inalienable human rights - and our planet’s life support system.

Our mind (that voice in our head) is now ‘who we think we are”.  An identity, instead of being a human with a profoundly powerful tool to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our global life support systems.  And now we are hating and killing each other over our completing concepts.  Mass killing!

Our future?  It will likely be the evolution of weapon systems that our minds cleverly created that will terminate our rapid growth on earth.   This unintended suicidal mindset will inevitably end whatever level of civilization we have left.  A civilization that offered unprecedented human comforts, but only to the greedy and the lucky, right up until it falls.

Most people in all nations of the world and even Ukraine (as brave as they are) are still addicted to this flawed human mindset.  We are more bound to our nationality or our tribal instincts (political, economic, cultural, professional, ethnic...) than to our species' survival here on spaceship earth.   

What Ukrainians do represent and appear to grasp (given their brutal reality) is that this point in time offers humanity what may be our last chance to change - our minds.   Will it be heaven on earth for all?  Or mutually assured destruction followed by our species' likely extinction? 

“Never again” and our pledge of “Liberty and justice for all” may eventually become true.   Planet earth will be free of humans and our mental flaws.  

At this point, it would not be smart to put your money on our survival.  But it would be wise to put one’s mind to work solving this mental illness. 

As Vaclav Havel once suggested, ‘Hope is not the expectation that things will change. It’s knowing what needs to change - and working on it.  Regardless of how it turns out.’ 

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