Friday, August 9, 2024

Prophecies that enslave us - will end us.



“It’s the prophecies that enslave us!” Frank Herbert, Dune sci-fi trilogy author.

Messiah prophecies encapsulate the foundation of fundamentalist’s extremist thinking as their religious truth.  An imagined truth that inspires believers to kill and die for in each of the three Abrahamic faiths.  Varying truths that could yet spawn the next World War.  And perhaps leave no tribe to survive.  Only the fundamental truths found in "the Laws of Nature and Nature's God" [the golden rule]. 

Why is the human mind so powerfully drawn to an ‘end of times’ story to find a messiah?  Is this thinking inevitable in every tribe?  Not in every indigenous culture.   Or is it only a self-fulfilling prophecy of the three most murderous religions that enabled them to grow and shun all objective truths?   

Or has modern human thinking been so shallow that still fails to comprehend the most obvious path into a sustainable future of global harmony - both within and between tribes that was offered less than 250 years ago.  This profound wisdom can be found within first sentence of the Declaration of Independence as “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” which is easily translated into 'take care of nature and each other' so that everyone in every tribe can survive and thrive for all time (as Abraham Lincoln stated). 

 Or has our human mind’s capacity to believe anything been so powerful and stubborn that it can still justifiably committing genocide of anyone who does not believe the same -- very specific ancient story belief that was passed down through nearly 100 generations via different languages and cultures? 

The human mind has difficulty imagining infinity. We see things begin and end.  So there must be a beginning and an end to everything (except God).   But it's seeming obvious that some unknowable power created the universe and life on earth.   Life so amazing and yet maybe alone among trillions of stars and planets.  Unlikely, but possible.   

Science now tells us that there was a beginning and everything.  And it will likely also likely come to an end.  Whether God or nature dictates such an end is irrelevant for those of us alive now. And humans may never know for sure.  

What is certain is that the miracle of life on this Goldilocks planet does not have to end just because of some old tribe's murderous faith in prophesy. And their desire for some spiritual leader to usher believers - and maybe survivors into a new era.

A future is possible with both science and the greater fundamental survival value of every religion (based on the golden rule) that humanity now has the resources and the power to create heaven on earth.  And restore the Garden of Eden here and perhaps other solar systems as well.  Logic vs prophecy?  We all have a mind that nature or God gave us as well as the freedom to choose. 

We only lack the political will of being united in heart, mind, and spirit.  And this is because too many believers and non-believers' worship various political truths instead of the objective truths we all now depend on -- for both our weapons systems or the technology for creating new life forms.  For mass murder on earth or sustaining life beyond it.

What is so complicated about taking care of nature and each other?  Can we finally accept the science that we are all 99.9% the same genetically.  And it is only the identities we have in our mind (religious, national, ethnic, sexual, economic, political…) that are only mental constructs?  And not who we really as members of the human family. 

United we stand a chance in these changing times.  Divided...we are about to see what happens next. 


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