Sunday, July 19, 2020

Covid19 and Education: Connecting the dots.

(I’m only writing this because I needed a reprieve from today's heat.  I know it won’t change any minds.)

It should be self-evident that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  Any honest observer can see that Covid19 has exposing all of our weakest links.   Like an X-ray it shows every break in our human concocted systems of economics, politics, religion, food production, environmental protection, what we call ‘health care’ but is really medical care, and (you pick a system). Few of our systems comply with the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”. 
Our nation’s education system obviously a weak link impacting multiple other systems. Economic, employment, parenting, policing, communications… (try to name one that it isn’t).
This education/safety dilemma is yet another example of the ‘freedom/security’ dilemma that we are forced to handle whenever we believe that things are separate and independent agencies/institutions can deal with them.   Things are only separated by our thinking. And believing they can be effectively addressed independently is a form of mental illness.   We cannot reopen schools without risking the lives of anyone coming in contact with the children attending including bus drivers, parents, cooks, teachers and anyone they come in contact with.  Even if the children never exhibit any ill health from the virus.  Keeping schools closed will have other harmful impacts on the economy and even the children’s health and learning.  Dah!
Covid19 is our educational lesson in science, economics, religion, and politic.  But our Pleistocene brains are not hard wired for making many issue connections.   Only with mental discipline and exertion of mental energy can we overcome the difficulty of grasping the fundamental reality of the known universe that everything is connected.  Plus, everything we currently interact with and depend on for our security and very existence is made up of systems and structures.  And these operate on fundamental principles that cannot be safely ignored.   Think gravity, sunlight, water and sanitation, food and shelter to name a few.  There is no escaping unfavorable consequences of ignoring any one of them.  Yet we do it all the time and complain that things aren’t working.
Consider our obviously broken education system.  We have long assumed that a child’s education is best measured by the time they spend sitting in a classroom managed by an educated adult.   Please recall that our pre-covid19 public, private and homeschooling education programs resulted in the government we today.  A federal government based on the illusionary concept of independence, led by a delusional, ignorant, and popular narcissist who is willing to ignore or veto any sound policy that might be passed by a Congress that insists on putting their political party and inconsistent ‘alternative’ principles before any fundamental principles. And we believe another election will change this.
Democracy is not natural.  It is one of the human concocted principles that has never and can never yield a more perfect union.  Anywhere or anytime.  Human minds are too prone to free thinking without deep thinking.   Getting any majority consistently and adequately informed to understand that their self-interest (sustainably maximizing their freedom, security and prosperity) is best achieved by adhering to the foundation of every major religion (the Gold Rule) and the fundamental principles our nation’s slave owning founders enshrined in the Declaration of Independence - principles and every US citizen has pledged to do (liberty and justice for all) but never acted on consistently.  We will continue to have  political, economic, legal, and defense systems without justice, lasting freedom or security.
I once believed knowledge was power.  It’s not.  When knowledge (and we’ve never had more of it) persistently fails to grasp the profound functionality of engineering a government system based on “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” putting law making in the hands of “we the people” is going to end badly.
We all know something significant must change.  We just can’t admit it is our own thinking and flawed beliefs that’s the source of the problem. 

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