Saturday, July 4, 2020

Covid19 on the 4th of July: If I were a millennial...let it thin the herd?

When I first heard someone calling Covid19 the ‘Boomer Doomer disease’ I laughed and thought how appropriate. Probably a creative selfish millennial cutely naming and shrugging off what will likely be the worst US national security and global security disaster in modern history (more to justify that statement later). 

But now, as both the virus and the fake news go viral, if I were a millennial, I’d ignore the potential risk to myself and my peers - and let the virus run its course thinning the elderly herd.  After all, boomers are largely responsible for the world and the laws we have today.   They knew what needed to be done.  They chose to collectively ignore the warnings.  Comfort and fantasy are a dangerous duo.   Nearly every crisis we have faced in the past 40 years was the result of these combined with boomer ignorance and apathy.

It is unfortunate that one in five new Covid19 infections will be people under 30.  But we are all getting a basic biology lesson that too many people ignored in HS or avoided by getting their liberal arts or law degree.  It is the fundamental principle that genetic variation is essential to our species survival -- and that sexual reproduction’s primary purpose was to increase genetic diversity as the best means to ensure survival of every higher level species -- against the greatest threat we all perpetually face -- infectious diseases.  

While being young is a chronological variation there may still be genetic reasons that young people are less likely to actually die from this virus.  But being young and dumb is enough to take the risk.  And Boomers, having ignored every warning over the last 40 years that another global pandemic was inevitable, with profoundly serious consequences, deserve whatever comes.

Unfortunately, pandemics consequences go beyond immediate life and death health risks.  Risks that appear to to be beyond both our Pleistocene brain and our Neanderthal government’s capacity to grasp and effectively respond to – let alone prevent. Even at this time in history with unprecedented access to useful information, scientific knowledge, and wisdom.   

Fact 1: The economic, freedom and security consequences of any pandemic are inevitable due to our irreversibly global interconnectedness and interdependence.
Fact 2:  Any local or national responses are at best, bandages.  
Fact 3: Every aspect of human interactions while living under any national or global governance system that was engineered on the unnatural political principle of independence -- is going to be lethally flawed.

And on this 4th of July Independence Day I urge every literate voter to re-read the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.  Yes!  I know the second is long…but it is vital if we want to sustainably maximize our individual and national freedom, security, and prosperity.  That profound document is not about you or your nation’s independence from the rest of the world.  It is a global truth statement.  One that contains “self-evident” “truths”.   Like the fact that every human has fundamental and inalienable rights that no government can take away without risking lethal global consequences. 

And, pandemics are essentially the ultimate consequence.  The 1918 pandemic demonstrated this. There was no human way of anyone escaping the profoundly life changing consequences, individually or globally, of it’s wrath.

Pandemics are like an Xray that exposes every broken system and structure in a government, cultural and/or social body.   These breaks represent our collective failure to abide by the fundamental principles clearly stated in the Declaration’s second paragraph.  Our failure to adhere to them in all of the laws that “we the people” allowed to pass -- and then ignored -- should now be self-evident.  Yet, we continue to live in denial.

And it was the comfortable Baby boomers that largely ignored the rigging of the nation’s economic system, the enforcement of unjust laws that govern everything from health care to crime, foreign policy to taxes, education to housing, and elections to the fundamental flaws in the U.S. Constitution itself; and a global governance architecture that put the protection of national sovereignty above the protection of inalienable  human rights.  

So why shouldn’t young people ignore the expert public health recommendations of wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing when exercising their right to party -- and get physically close to those they are attracted to and are hopeful of hooking up with?   Sure, they probably love their parents and grandparents, but they only stand to gain some immediate benefits when Covid19 thins the elderly herd.  Fewer traffic jams, more available housing, the possibility of some inheritance, more job openings, less stress on the Social Security fund, and smaller crowds at the beach or movie theater. 

I just hope millennials are wiser than we were. And consider the longer term personal economic, environmental, freedom, and security consequences of believing and acting on the concept that we are each independent from one another-- and the rest of the world.  We are not.  In this context, All lives matter!  Including those faces in Africa and Haiti. And every face in every other place in the world.

Until we codify the “Laws of Nature and Natures God” into all laws on earth we will continue to impose profound risks onto our freedoms, security and prosperity. The ‘Laws of Nature’ should be clear.  Here’s two examples of the “Laws” of “Nature’s God” if you find this unclear.   The ‘Golden Rule’ and ‘thou shall not kill’.   While we may like to think that life on this incredibly vast and complex planet is more complicated that this…it is not.    And, this meme must go viral.  It is the only real defense we have against pathogen gene’s going viral.  Their genes change asexually.  Can we?

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